Tuesday 22 October 2013

Deaf Malaysians can application for 1) Numb feet 2) Cramp feet 3) Chokes things 4) Neck pain

Deaf Malaysians can application for 1) Numb feet   2) Cramp feet   3) Chokes things    4) Neck pain
Below is useful information.... Maybe one day you will help yourself or save a deaf malaysian or deaf friend's life

Fish Bone
If A Person Swallows A Fish Bone.
 Lift Both Hands Above The Head, He Will Find It Easy To Cough Up The Fish Bone.
 The Same Thing If One Chokes On Something When Eating, Lift Both Hands  Above The Head And Cough Up The Particle.

This application for 1) Numb feet   2) Cramp feet   3) Chokes things    4) Neck pain
 This Method Is Simple And Easy.
 Leg Cramp 
Malaysian Smart deaf : Leg Cramp
If It Is A Cramp On The Leg.

Malaysian Smart deaf : left leg Cramp

If The Cramp Is On The Left Leg, Lift The Right Hand Above The Head
Malaysian Smart deaf : Right Leg Cramp

If The Cramp Is On The Right Leg, Lift The Left Hand Above The Head.


噎到東西之處理方式----只要「把手舉起來 」!

美國紐澤西州大西洋城五歲男童,機靈地救了祖母一命,他的方式很簡單,只要「把手舉起來」! 56歲的 Michelle Stewart日前在家一邊看電視一邊吃果凍,孫子下樓問她問題。 Michelle轉過頭時,一塊果凍卡在喉嚨。 她試著擠壓腹部自救,但沒有用,此時家中只有她。 Michelle以為自己會噎死,「我當時想:我會昏倒,而他會不知道該怎麼辦。 將躺在這裡,直到有人回家。」Michelle衝到側門想找人幫忙。此時,問:「奶奶,妳噎到嗎!?」Michelle說不出話。我猜妳噎到了,奶奶。這樣做。」把雙手高舉過頭, 一直要她「把手舉起來,把手舉起來。」 還保證:「奶奶,妳會沒事的。」Michelle照做,結果真的把果凍吐出來。得意地說:「看吧,奶奶,我就說妳會沒事。」

當時很鎮靜,他說這是在學校學到的。 Michelle稱孫子是她的小英雄。 噎到東西之處理方式----只要【把雙手舉起來】就對了 


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