Monday 21 October 2013

Steaming Food

make sure smart deaf open the lid to boil the water first.

Xuanwu Hospital Professor Qi article:

Before steaming food be sure the lid is open to boil the water first, then add the food to be steamed, finally close the lid!  

No wonder more and more people with cancer. With pot cooking something, be sure to use water or filtered water. Because if the direct use of tap water, tap water has chlorine, then after heating, because the lid is covered, the chlorine is all covered in food, so be sure to use boiled water or filtered out chlorine water to steam things. Because chlorine is carcinogenic hazard. This is really important! Even if only steamed buns, should have this knowledge.
If water is used straight from the tap, your food will be contaminated by absorbing all the cancer causing chlorine upon heating which is a serious health hazard.

Keep forwarding, so that more people see it. 
Please forward to create awareness.
Article by: Professor Qi from Xuanwu Hospital


宣武医院齐教授的文章:蒸食物请一定要是先开着盖子把水烧开,再放入要蒸的食物,盖上盖子!  难怪有癌症的人愈来愈多。用锅蒸煮东西时,一定要用开水,或是过滤过的水。因为如果直接用自来水,自来水有氯,再经过加热后,由于锅盖是盖着的,氯被全部包覆在食物上,所以一定要用煮沸过的开水或用已过滤掉氯的水来蒸东西。因为氯有致癌的危险。这真的很重要!即使只是蒸馒头,都要有此常识。

Article by : Professor Qi from Xuanwu Hospital

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