Kompleks Perniagaan & Komuniti
該中心前身是冼都新鎮商業及社區中心,共有3層,其中底層有干濕巴剎、雜貨店、零售店等;一樓為美食中心、移民局、警察局、聯邦農業銷售局一站式服務中心 等;2樓是診所和圖書館;3樓則有牙科診所、國民登記局、陸路交通局、迷你郵政局、室內足球場等,服務及設備都很多元化。
To be known as the Mini UTC Sentul, the new centre is located at the Business and Community Complex in Bandar Baru Sentul, Kuala Lumpur.
The three-storey building will house an Immigration Department office, a police beat base, a National Registration Department office, Road Transport Department, a post office and Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority kiosks.
Other facilities include a dental clinic, library, futsal court, wet and dry market, clinic and a taekwondo training room.
地點:Kompleks Perniagaan & Komuniti Bandar Baru Sentul,Jalan3/48A,Bandar Baru Sentul