Sunday 4 August 2013

Smart Deaf Fellow Movie Lover : Liu San Jie, A legendary folk female singer

Smart Deaf Fellow Movie Lover : Liu San Jie, A legendary folk female singer

The story of Liu San Jie (Liu the Third Sister), a legendary folk female singer of Zhuang minority in Guangxi Autonomous Region. She loves the ordinary people and despises the vicious landlord. She was hated by the landlord who wants to forbid her from singing but fails. Then the landlord kidnaps Liu San Jie who later escapes with the help of her lover and other people. Liu San Jie moves to other places to inspire people with folk songs.
(Source Link on you tube with English Subtitle)

電影《劉三姐》, Liu San Jie,—這是民间传说的壮族人物,劉三姐性格鮮明、美麗善良、歌聲動聽,她的身上集中體現了壯族人民對生活、對山歌的熱愛,也是壯族人民普遍接受的價值觀. 有“歌仙”之誉,一直沒有被人們忘記。

內容敘述劉三姐聰明美麗又擅長唱山歌,鄰近鄉里沒有人沒聽過她名字的。有個財主一心一意要把劉三姐娶來作小姨太,可是劉三姐不答應。財主不死心,一直想要劉三姐,於是劉三姐 說:「財主的山歌若是勝過她就作他的小姨太。」可是,財主包括財主的手下沒有人唱山歌能勝過劉三姐,但財主仍是不甘心。

影片中美丽的桂林山水,美丽的刘三姐、美丽的山歌迅速风靡了全国及整个东南亚. 桂林是世界著名的风景游览城市和历史文化名城。桂林是广西壮族自治区最重要的旅游城市,享有山水甲天下之美.

Guilin (Chinese: 桂林; Zhuang: Gveilinz) is a prefecture-level city in the northeast of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,That shows the scenery in gulin, Our place is on the 20Yuan RMB Note.
Its name means "forest of Sweet Osmanthus", owing to the large number of fragrant Sweet Osmanthus trees located in the city. The city has long been renowned for its unique scenery of Karst topography and is one of China's most popular tourist destinations.

Source Link/Reference
1. Youtube : China Network Television (CCTV) at

2. learn Chinese Language 电影《刘三姐》-宽频频道-网络孔子学院 at

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